Corona has been paired with Cacao 2019-08-01

Our delicious Melanistiske male has now paired beautiful Corona Australis. We believe in wonderfully cozy charcoal-snow kittens with game expression and silky fur in mid-September.

Cakao has mated Octarine 2019-07-26

Cakao has once again paired Octarine. This is a combination we have done once before and that we were then very very pleased with, both in temperament and appearance. As good a result this time. The litter is expected in early September.

Cacao has mated Octarine

Cacao has once again paired the Octarine. This is a combination we have done once before and that we were then very very pleased with, both in temperament and appearance. As good a result this time. The litter is expected in early September.

Corona’s litter has arrived! 2018-10-30

Corona has given birth to six small wounders the night of today. It was 1 svartspotted female, 3 svartspottade males, one lynxspotted male and 1 lynxmarble male. More info coming soon.

Lotus has paired Corona 2018-08-26


Our Lotus has mated Corona and now we are waiting with excitement on a litter that is expected to come in late October. Expected outcomes are mixed black and snow in both spotted and marble.

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